BE the CAUSE Campaign

Be the Cause - Empower. Strengthen. Transform.

AFP Foundation For Philanthropy

The mission of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is to enhance philanthropy and volunteerism through programs of education, research, and service that benefit those who lead, serve, and support nonprofit institutions. The purpose of the Foundation is to generate the resources to fund AFP strategic initiatives that advance ethical and effective fundraising.

Your gift to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy will allow us to develop and implement new programs and enhance existing ones, such as scholarships, education, and research. Don’t forget, BE the CAUSE is a cooperative annual fund that also directly benefits your local community through AFPGC.


  • It has allowed AFP Greater Cleveland to distribute more than $10,000 in scholarships over the past three years.
  • All funds raised will be split 62/38 between our local chapter and AFP Global.